CEU Course

Structural and Fire Resistance Properties of Building Enclosure Systems

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Class Overview

Take a deep dive into two of the most valuable properties provided by an increasing number of building enclosure systems - structural support and fire resistance – as they apply to multifamily and commercial buildings. Learn about the different ways that building enclosure products contribute structural support to the building itself and for cladding attachment and how fire resistance is verified through ASTM E119, and fire propagation in exterior wall assemblies is verified through NFPA 285. Other exterior wall fire provisions in the IBC and the associated fire tests will be covered.


  • Learn about the structural contributions that various building enclosure products and assemblies provide to a whole building, to the building’s exterior wall, and for cladding attachment.
  • Understand the purposes of structural testing through ASTM E330 and other standards as well as fire resistance testing through ASTM E119, and fire propagation in exterior wall assemblies is verified through NFPA 285.
  • Learn how to design assemblies to meet structural and fire resistance standards in multifamily and commercial buildings.
  • Learn how to interpret the structural and fire resistance ratings, approvals, and certifications of standalone building enclosure materials and products and how this information changes when used in assemblies or with various types of claddings.

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