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Continuing Education Courses

CEU Courses

  • *Air Barrier 1 - Choice of Air Barriers for Commercial Building Enclosures* No Schedule Available

  • This seminar will help you understand the importance of air barriers on building enclosure performance, and the choices of air barrier systems for air leakage control. Based on the application method there are 4 main types of air barriers for commercial buildings: (i) Fluid-Applied Membranes (FA), (ii) Mechanically Fastened (Building Wraps), (iii) Self-Adhered Membranes (SA), and (iv) Spray Polyurethane Foams (SPF). Based on vapor permeability air barriers can be vapor permeable and non-permeable. This seminar will discuss air barrier choices based on the application method; vapor permeability is beyond the scope of this presentation. The seminar is organized in 2 main sections: 

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  • *Air Barrier 2 - Air Leakage Control in Commercial Building Enclosures* No Schedule Available

  • This seminar will review the impact of air leakage on building enclosure performance, current codes and standards for air leakage control and recent advances in implementing airtight buildings in practice. Air leakage is important because it can transport heat, moisture and contaminants through the building enclosure and can impact building energy performance, envelope durability and occupants’ comfort. A continuous air barrier is critical for air leakage control. ASHRAE 90.1-2010 was the first code to introduce continuous air barriers as a mandatory requirement. Air barrier performance requirements which include air infiltration resistance, continuity, structural integrity and durability will be reviewed. Energy codes which regulate air barrier requirements will be highlighted along with the three compliance options: air barrier materials, assemblies and whole building airtightness. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) introduced the first air barrier program which requires blower door test for whole building airtightness. 

    The seminar is organized in 3 sections: − Section 1 will discuss the impact of air leakage on building enclosure performance − Section 2 will review the main air barrier requirements and air barrier codes − Section 3 will highlight the USACE air barrier program and a few examples of successful implementation of whole building airtightness testing

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  • *Durability 1 - Durable Building Enclosure Design* No Schedule Available

  • This seminar will outline recent changes in building energy codes and how these changes could impact the long range durability of the building enclosure.

    The seminar is divided into 3 sections: 1. The first section is a brief summary of recent changes in North America energy codes. The discussion is focused on the opaque building envelope criteria and the changes in wall assembly design as a result of energy code requirements. 2. The second section is a brief review of moisture analysis tools for building envelope design 3. The final section will provide examples of moisture analysis for typical framed walls. Moisture problems & moisture management strategies depend on climate and wall design and WUFI analysis must be climate specific. The US climates can be grouped into 3 broad categories: Cold climates (cz 5-8); Warm-Hot Humid climates (cz 1A-4A); Marine climates (4-5C). Section 3 is divided into 3A, 3B and 3C, to provide examples of the 3 climate types and to customize the presentation for regional needs 

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  • *Fluid 1 - Fluid Applied Air Barrier Membranes - Advances and Applications* No Schedule Available

  • Continuous air barriers are essential for building’s energy efficiency, durability and indoor air quality and are currently required by energy codes. There are several types of air barriers commonly used in the industry including building wraps, self-adhered and fluid applied membranes. This presentation will discus fluid applied air barriers which continue to increase in popularity in recent years.

    The seminar is divided into four sections: − Section 1 is a brief overview of air leakage control and air barrier requirements and gives a general overview of fluid applied air barriers − Section 2 discusses performance properties which are specific to fluid applied air barrier materials and how chemistry could impact these properties − Section 3 describes how to specify fluid applied air barriers to meet your project performance requirements − Section 4 addresses training and installation principles, and provides example details and common installation mistakes for fluid applied air barriers The presentation will highlight key differences and performance advantages of new high performance chemical formulations in contrast to traditional fluid applied air barrier formulations. 

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  • *Green 1 - Sustainable Building Enclosure Design* No Schedule Available

  • Buildings use a significant percentage of energy and resources and are responsible for 40% of the world waste hence sustainable buildings have become an imperative. A sustainable building requires optimization of whole building performance through proper integration of its parts. This seminar will focus on building enclosure contribution to sustainable buildings. The building enclosure is typically designed for the life of the building, making it critical to address its sustainability at the design phase. Building enclosure sustainability attributes include energy efficiency, durability, IAQ and sustainable materials. Air leakage can transport heat, moisture and contaminants across the building enclosure and can affect all sustainability attributes. However air leakage impact has only recently been understood and continuous air barriers for air leakage control have become mandatory code requirements for the first time in ASHRAE 90.1- 2010.

    The seminar is organized in 4 sections. − Section 1 will briefly review the information to date on climate change and why sustainable buildings must be an essential part of mitigation measures. − Section 2 will review an overview of LEED v4 and changes to the rating system. − Section 3 will discuss the Importance of building enclosure design of air barriers on sustainability in the context of LEED v4. − Section 4 will summarize building envelope material sustainability and health in the context of LEED v4. 

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  • *HAM 101 - Heat, Air, and Moisture - Management in Commercial Building Enclosure* No Schedule Available

  • This seminar is a basic review of heat, air and moisture transport mechanisms across the building enclosure and the design control strategies. The first section will discus heat transport mechanisms and heat management. There are 3 main mechanisms of heat transport: conduction, convection and radiation. Heat flow by conduction (through materials) is discussed in the first section which includes a brief review of thermal insulation materials and energy code requirements for thermal insulation. Heat flow by convection (through air currents) is controlled with a Continuous Air Barrier. A summary review of the overall impact of air leakage on building enclosure performance and the importance of air leakage control is provided in the second section. Air leakage and Air Barriers are addressed in more details in other CES presentations by the same provider (Air Barrier-1 and Air Barrier-2). Heat flow by radiation (through space) is not discus in this seminar and it is more important for fenestration than for the opaque envelope. The last section is a brief review of moisture sources in buildings, moisture transport mechanisms, and moisture control strategies. The building science principles behind the moisture management are briefly discussed. Moisture management principles are addressed in more details in other CES presentations by the same provider (Moisture 1). 

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  • *Moisture 1 - Moisture Management in Commercial Building Enclosures* No Schedule Available

  • Moisture is the most significant factor in the premature deterioration of buildings. Moisture can damage materials directly, but it can also reduce the effectiveness of building materials. Excess moisture is also the major factor in the growth of mold.

    This seminar, organized in 3 sections, will help you understand the impact of moisture transport across the building enclosure and the importance of controlling moisture flow using water, air and vapor barriers. − Section 1 gives a summary of the impact and potential liabilities of moisture intrusion − Section 2 describes the main moisture sources, transport mechanisms and control strategies (The 3 Moisture Barriers) − Section 3 describes the differences between air and vapor barrier functions. Moisture transport by air currents and by vapor diffusion has different driving forces and occurs through different mechanisms; however the 2 control functions are often confused in the industry. 

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  • *NFPA 285 Assembly Test of Exterior Walls with Combustible Components* No Schedule Available

  • NFPA 285 is the Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components. NFPA 285 assembly tests are required when exterior non-combustible walls contain combustible components by the International Building Code (IBC). The scope of materials classified by the IBC requiring NFPA 285 testing is increasing. Combined with more stringent energy code requirements, the use of combustible materials is also growing in exterior walls. The most common contributing factors to non-compliance of designs requiring NFPA 285 assembly testing include: − Lack of understanding of applicability of test on exterior wall assemblies. − Recent building and energy code changes causing new triggers for the test. − Lack of understanding of assembly vs. product results for NFPA 285 tests. This seminar will discuss the impact of the NFPA 285 Test on buildings using IBC and ASHRAE 90.1 energy code requirements, the parameters and history of NFPA 285, and the definition of what building envelope components are combustible and require NFPA 285 testing by IBC. All of these elements combine to integrate NFPA 285 compliant assemblies into building envelope systems. 

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  • Consolidated Control Layer Design No Schedule Available

  • This course will cover the following:

    Define the Control Layer, Discuss the Code Requirements for those layers, Building Science behind the code requirements, How that layer is related to the other (Thermal to Moisture, Moisture to Air)

    Next portion will discuss the Fire considerations that Impact Control layer design with today’s codes

    -NFPA 285 Brief Overview as it has changed the way we design our above grade wall systems
    -Types of continuous insulations that influence the design considerations with respect to fire and NFPA-285

    Finally solutions for consolidating these 4 layers for simplified design, superior performance, and long lasting durability.

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  • Designing for Long Term Below Grade Thermal Performance No Schedule Available

  • This course explores design choices to meet energy code and thermal insulation selection strategies to maximize long term building performance.  Factors influencing the performance of an insulation in its application include production, R-values, moisture, temperature, aging, and quality of installation will be discussed.

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  • Don't Lose Your R Over the Z No Schedule Available

  • This course defines and explains building science behind the code for the four control layers of the building envelope: water, air, thermal, and vapor. Participants will then explore typical design principles as well as alternative system assembly approaches to exterior wall design. In addition, presentation covers common attachment strategies for various types of claddings, including masonry, rainscreen veneers, and applied/adhered veneers.

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  • EDUHUB 13.0 - Cost Effective Strategies for Net Zero Energy Ready Homes No Schedule Available

  • Understanding building science is critical to making smart choices for building a Net Zero Energy (NZE) home that works. The class uses real world examples to demonstrate cost effective methods to reduce energy loads without impacting a home's long term durability. Heating and cooling loads are lowered by using cost effective building shell improvements, high-efficiency HVAC equipment, high-efficiency windows, and mechanical ventilation and lighting. Plug loads and non-HVAC energy loads will also be addressed. Steve Easley uses field slides to illustrate cost effective solutions that lead to practical and long-lasting NZE ready homes. The course gives builders the knowledge to build NZE homes that are durable, safe, healthy, energy-efficient and comfortable to live in. Steve Easley is an internationally recognized construction consultant specializing in solving building science related problems and helping builders reduce costly callbacks. His work focuses on increasing quality of construction, sustainability, performance and reducing costly mistakes that lead to construction defects and callbacks. Steve's mission is helping industry professionals build and remodel structures that are durable, energy-efficient, healthy and comfortable to live and work in. This webinar includes a 60-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute Q&A.

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  • EDUHUB1.0 - Designing & Building Healthy Homes: Selecting Fresh Air Ventilation for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality No Schedule Available

  • At DuPont's Education Hub (EDU HUB), we are committed to providing you with valuable content that demonstrates why properly ventilated, well-insulated, and tighter homes have better indoor air quality and are healthier to live in than traditionally insulated homes. In our premier webinar, hear building industry leaders, Steve Easley and Susan Raterman, discuss the pros and cons of the system choices available in the market in our premier webinar. Through real-world illustrations, they’ll guide you through the design and selection process, helping you identify the most cost-effective system components to meet code and beyond.

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  • EDUHUB10.0 - Zero Energy for Lower Cost: Five Faster, Better, Cheaper Strategies No Schedule Available

  • Zero has left the station. This is obvious looking at the increased rigor of the latest energy codes, growth in voluntary certifications, new tax credits, ESG movement and superior user experience. Now it’s time to get there faster, better, and cheaper. This presentation lays out the critical building blocks for getting to zero and five under-utilized strategies for achieving critical performance targets that are faster, better and cheaper when accounting for all integrated costs and benefits. As the housing industry affordability crisis keeps exacerbating, it’s critical we’re all smarter meeting future homebuyer expectations with the most cost-effective strategies.

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  • EDUHUB14.0 - What is a High-Performance Home and How to Consistently Deliver It No Schedule Available

  • Great community and housing design are critical to earn homebuyers’ interest. However, once they settle into their new homes, bad home performance experiences can negate all the good work earning strong customer satisfaction, peer reviews, and referrals. It is critical to get high-performance right because it will directly affect affordability, health, comfort, maintenance, safety, and future value. This course begins that process with lessons-learned from decades of experience as a residential architect and engaging thousands of home builders while serving as national director for ENERGY STAR Certified Home and Zero Energy Ready Home. The resulting framework for high-performance homes includes five key strategies and over 40 best practices for applying them with substantial cost savings. Most importantly, this framework has been intensively researched, vetted, and refined over five years with hundreds of housing industry executives. The goal is not to dogmatically impose one path for all, but to make housing professionals aware of the most cost-effective opportunities to deliver industry leading performance at lower cost.

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  • EDUHUB16.0 - Future-Proofing Wall Systems: Energy Star Updates, UA Calculations, and Advanced Enclosure Design No Schedule Available

  • In this forward-looking session, Justin Wilson and Gord Cooke will explore how wall systems and building enclosures are evolving in response to the latest building trends, advanced building science, and Energy Star updates, including the transition from 3.1 Revision 14 to 3.2 Revision 13. This 90-minute session will highlight future trends in wall design, equipping builders with the advanced techniques they need to stay ahead in an ever-changing industry.

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  • EDUHUB2.0 - Building High Performance Walls - How To Do It Right The First Time and Why No Schedule Available

  • At DuPont's Education Hub (EDU HUB), we recognize that providing the building industry with high-quality information about high-performance construction strategies is crucial to advancing and improving the profession. That’s why in our High-Performance Walls webinar, you’ll hear from three building science experts, Justin Wilson, Gord Cooke, and Mark LaLiberte as they discuss the opportunities and challenges of high-performance wall assemblies. Through their practical, easy-to-digest approach, they’ll walk you through valuable content that explores everything from thermal effectiveness and the rising cost of wood products to understanding and calculating R-values and the 1-1/2” “sweet spot.”

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  • EDUHUB3.0 - Moisture Management for Walls No Schedule Available

  • Moisture Management for Walls: Learn why it's important to control moisture within wall assemblies for a healthy home and how to build and maintain a successful moisture management strategy. Walk away with valuable insights for maximizing performance in the walls of your next building project. This webinar will be presented by DuPont EDU HUB featuring guest presenter Patrick Huelman, Associate Extension Professor & Cold Climate Housing Coordinator for the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at University of Minnesota.

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  • EDUHUB4.0 - Below Grade Foundations - How To Do It Right The First Time and Why No Schedule Available

  • At DuPont's Education Hub (EDU HUB), we recognize that providing the building industry with high-quality information about high-performance construction strategies is crucial to advancing and improving the profession. Energy-efficient homes and structures are built from the ground up. Join as the Construction Instruction team digs into the science of insulations for foundations and basements. We will explore a variety of solutions ideal for slab foundations, exterior basement walls and interior basement walls.

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  • EDUHUB5.0 - The Ripple Effect of an Energy-Efficient Building No Schedule Available

  • At DuPont's Education Hub (EDU HUB), we recognize that providing the building industry with high-quality information about high-performance construction strategies is crucial to advancing and improving the profession. Energy-efficient homes and structures are built from the ground up. We will discuss the resilience of energy-efficient buildings and their ripple effects on different aspects of the home, including how more efficient use of renewable energy sources can lead to lower cost and improved housing user experience.

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  • EDUHUB6.0 - Best Practices for Installing Stucco and Adhered Masonry Stone No Schedule Available

  • This webinar will focus on the best practices and details for the installation of stucco and adhered masonry stone (synthetic stone) in order to prevent costly callbacks. Building science consultant Steve Easley and Mark Fowler, director of the Stucco Manufacturers Association, will use pictures from their extensive field experience and investigations to show what works and what doesn’t when installing stucco and adhered masonry stone. They will also demonstrate proper integration of weather-resistive barriers (WRBs) with exterior insulation and flashing details.

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  • EDUHUB8.0 - Demystifying Vapor Retarders: The Science of Vapor Management in Building Codes No Schedule Available

  • Building codes have come a long way since the simple ideas of crawlspace ventilation and “warm-in-winter side” vapor retarders. Previous attempts to block water vapor have proven ineffective, so new strategies to work with it have emerged. The 2021 International Residential Code recognizes the vapor permeability of materials, the use of insulation to control surfaces temperatures, and the benefits of unventilated spaces. Learn to trust the modern IRC and the science behind its vapor management provisions with Glenn Mathewson, creator of BuildingCodeCollege.com. Mathewson is the International Code Council's 2021 Educator of the Year and was active in the development of the 2015 and 2021 IRC, representing the decking industry. This upcoming live webinar will include a 60-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute Q&A. Webinar attendees will be able to claim 1 AIA Learning Unit (1LU) Elective Credit upon completion.

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  • EDUHUB9.0 - Demystifying Electrification is Here, Is Your Building Envelope Ready for Heat Pumps No Schedule Available

  • Skyrocketing natural gas and heating oil costs, climate change concerns, and the advent of cold climate heat pumps are driving a nationwide switch to heat pumps to heat and cool homes. Unlike the typical dinosaur burning gas furnace that can deliver an instantaneous blast of hot air, heat pumps work by extracting heat from the outdoor air and pumping it into your home. Air at zero degrees still has plenty of heat to heat your home. However, performance and customer comfort are more determined by proper design, installation, and a well-insulated and sealed building enclosure.

    in this webinar building science expert Steve Easley will use his real-world jobsite examples to teach industry professionals the top 10 do’s and don’ts to reduce costly callbacks and ensure customer comfort and satisfaction.

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  • How to Specify Magnesium Oxide Sheathing in Commercial Construction No Schedule Available

  • This course details the benefits and selection process of Magnesium Oxide (MgO) sheathing in multifamily and commercial construction. MgO sheathing offers structural, fire, and other properties that enable architects and designers to simplify the design and installation of building enclosures. Comparisons of MgO sheathing versus traditional sheathing materials such as gypsum are included.

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  • Insulated Concrete Sandwich Panel Energy Systems No Schedule Available

  • WHAT?

    Insulated Sandwich Panels
    Structural Wythe vs Non-Structural Wythe
    Composite vs Non-Composite


    Thermal Efficiency and Condensation
    New Energy Codes
    LEED ™ Certification


    Types of Insulation
    Wythe Connectors

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  • Introduction to Structural Insulated Sheathing Materials for Commercial Construction No Schedule Available

  • This course is designed to help the commercial building designer to understand the new products being rapidly introduced into the market that assist in installation of multiple steps of a normal commercial exterior assembly control layers, such as: thermal, air, vapor, structure, and fire control into one or fewer steps that are traditionally used in many of today's building designs throughout the world.

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  • Managing Moisture in Residential Construction* No Schedule Available

  • The industry is increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, but a building cannot be truly efficient unless it is durable. As new materials and methods are introduced to meet higher energy efficiency standards, new construction methods and details will be required. This presentation will discuss the challenges in moisture management and durability posed by energy efficient wall systems. A significant amount of research has been conducted on traditional wall systems, leading to water-resistive barrier, drainage, window installation and flashing recommendations. This presentation will review water management code requirements and discuss how these established water management recommendations and code requirements relate to highly insulated and airtight wall assemblies. The implications of air barriers and vapor retarders on wall system moisture management and building durability will also be discussed.

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  • Multi-Family Building Envelope Solutions No Schedule Available

  • Multi-Family Introduction
    Building Envelope Basics
    Code Requirements
    Other Relevant Industry Testing
    Continuous Insulation and Air & Water Barrier Options
    Executing the Design
    Practical Builder Example
    Long Term Sustainable Performance

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  • NFPA 285 No Schedule Available

  • Assembly Test of Exterior Walls with Combustible Components

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  • Six Sigma A Way to Minimizing Those Embarrassing Errors and Omissions No Schedule Available

  • Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service.  Companies no longer have the luxury of business as usual.  Businesses with the disciplined approach across all functions, whether manufacturing, supply chain or research have found the improved quality, operating efficiencies, and increased customer satisfaction.  Six Sigma has proven  to deliver value in all these areas, and has been in use at global companies across many sectors, such as automotive, chemical and electronics.

    • Project Planning and Design
    • Project Management

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  • Standards and Application of Flashing for Installation of Windows and Doors No Schedule Available

  • Provides an overview of the Industry Standards, as well as Code References, for the flashing materials used for the installation of Windows & Doors.  The Code referenced material standards for window & door flashings are summarized and compared, as well as the Installation Standard practices that have been developed by the three main Fenestration Industry organizations.  The Window & Door installation standards and principles presented, are also demonstrated through hands-on application using standard flashing materials.

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  • Structural and Fire Resistance Properties of Building Enclosure Systems No Schedule Available

  • Take a deep dive into two of the most valuable properties provided by an increasing number of building enclosure systems - structural support and fire resistance – as they apply to multifamily and commercial buildings. Learn about the different ways that building enclosure products contribute structural support to the building itself and for cladding attachment and how fire resistance is verified through ASTM E119, and fire propagation in exterior wall assemblies is verified through NFPA 285. Other exterior wall fire provisions in the IBC and the associated fire tests will be covered.

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  • Sustainability in Mind: Navigating the "Embodied Carbon Landscape" No Schedule Available

  • Curious to challenge yourself and your views? This session is intended for green building practitioners who would like to gain a new perspective, develop a deeper understanding of what outputs of the LCA process can be used to effectively communicate the value of environmental product information into product specifications for a sustainable built environment.

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  • Sustainable Roofing System Design No Schedule Available

  • This course goes over sustainable roofing con-siderations. Participants will understand what role the roof system plays in sustainable design, and also how conventional roof design impacts sus-tainability. They will also learn the how insulation type impacts lifecycle, and how to improve de-sign with the ‘Perfect Roof.’ Presentation covers critical concerns of storm water management, construction requirements, and functionality of space.

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Continuing Education Learning Units

Design and construction professionals earn AIA Continuing Education learning units by completing courses on Tyvek BKU, and answering test questions at the end of each course.

Important: All Tyvek BKU CE presentation courses may count towards the AIA continuing education requirement. All active registered architect AIA members may complete their annually required Continuing Education Credits through Tyvek BKU. This includes all 18 Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) each year. Of the 18 CEHs, 12 hours must address health, safety, and welfare (HSW).

AIA Member Requirements


LEED professionals earn Green Building Certification Institute’s (GBCI) Continuing Education hours to fulfill LEED credential maintenance requirements by reading designated articles and sponsored sections on this site, and answering test questions at the end of each course.

Learn more about GBCI's Credential Maintenance Program

View LEED Credential Maintenance Requirements


Credit Reporting Instructions

AIA Credit Reporting

Depending on when you take a course online on Tyvek BKU, it can take between 1 to 2 weeks for your credits to appear on your AIA member transcript. For example, if you take a course on a Monday, your credits will appear on your transcript by Thursday of the following week. Please check your transcript regularly for updates.

GBCI Credit Reporting

GBCI Credential Maintenance Program participants must self-report their GBCI CE hours through “My Credentials” at www.gbci.org. Keep a copy of your certificate of completion for your records.

View instructions for reporting GBCI CE Hours