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Commercial Senior Certified

Structural Systems

Structural Systems

This first Level Two Commercial course focuses on the structural dynamics of commercial buildings, and is intended to provide Specialists with a basic familiarity of the methods and materials used in commercial construction.

Course Structure

  • Lesson 1 introduces the range of materials used to construct commercial buildings.
  • Lesson 2 introduces the "loads" — not only physical forces but also the economic, environmental, and regulatory demands — that must be considered in the design of a commercial structure.
  • Lesson 3 provides a primer in statics, describing how the basic structural systems in a commercial building resist the physical forces placed upon it.
  • Lesson 4 examines the substructures (foundations) that support commercial buildings.
  • Lessons 5 to 8 examine each of the four parts of the superstructure — frames, walls, floors, and roofs.

Introduction Video

This course relies on Francis D.K. Ching's book, Building Construction Illustrated as a reference text. It is expected that this book will serve you as a general reference to commercial construction practices in the future.

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