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Residential Senior Certified

HVAC System Overview


The goal in duct sizing and installation is to create a balanced system that evenly distributes conditioned air throughout the house. This lesson introduces the principles involved to ensure an efficient duct system, and explains in-depth how problems associated with pressure imbalances and installation defects can put a forced-air system in jeopardy.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Identify the heat and moisture problems caused by duct leakage
  • Explain how an HVAC system affects indoor air pressures
  • Describe how pressure imbalances can increase air infiltration and exfiltration through the building shell
  • Summarize how backdrafting occurs and why this can be so dangerous
  • Identify the proper methods for sealing ductwork
  • Recognize the importance for testing ductwork

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